Aberrant Collection of the Spurious Calamus”, by glass artist Audrey Wilson opens at the Washington Glass
School on January 11th thru 31st, 2014
with a reception on January 11th from 6-8pm.
"Generator" by Audrey Wilson, 2014, 16" x 10" x 9" mixed media, blown and pate de verre glass. photo: Pete Duvall |
Audrey Wilson |
AudreyWilson's sculptures are a blend of created and altered elements that reflect
evolving science and machinery and explore the relationship between man and
technology. Technology is merely an extension and reflection of mankind. In
fact, no objects contain more human essence than do tools.
sculptural projects and multi-media works are metaphors evoking our endless
manipulation of environment, our need for control, and our longing for a
meaningful union with nature and the other, in a supreme balance of power and
delicacy. People are becoming increasingly alienated from the objects which
surround and sustain them, as they have lost the emotional link to technology.
"Ibn Firnas' First Glider", Audrey Wilson, 2013, 26"x 9" x 6",
mixed media, pate de verre glass. photo: Pete Duvall |
“The Aberrant Collection of the Spurious Calamus”
captures our complicated relationship with technology, mirroring it back with
poetic glances.
Aberrant Collection of the Spurious Calamus” by Audrey Wilson
3700 Otis
Street, Mount Rainier, MD 20712
Reception – Saturday, January 11, 6-8 pm
View January 11 - 31, 2014 and is free and open to the public.