31 May 2010
Lampworking Class Gets Hot!
The next beginner's lampworking class starts in June - Click HERE to read more about the class & schedule.
28 May 2010
Memorial Day
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
"In Flanders Fields" is one of the most notable poems written about World War 1. Canadian physician and Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae wrote it in May 1915, after he witnessed the death of his friend, Lieutenant Alexis Helmer, 22 years old, the day before.
In 1918, inspired by the poem, Moina Michael replied with her own poem:
We cherish too, the Poppy red
That grows on fields where valor led,
It seems to signal to the skies
That blood of heroes never dies.
27 May 2010
Jumping The Shark In Washington, DC
Here is what appeared in front of the National Geographic building on 17th in NW today. Not sure what event/broadcast this relates to, and I could not find any reference on the Nat Geographic website - so just enjoy the notion of sharks cruising the streets of the Nation's Capital.
26 May 2010
Glass Line Magazine: Q & A with Paul Stankard

Sharing a Journey: Questions and Answers - by Paul Stankard –
Over the last two years, I’ve met a large number of borosilicate flameworkers making everything from jewelry to glass pipes who are yearning to do significant creative work and explore new boundaries. They have a strong commitment to the independent lifestyle as studio artists and many make their livings through their highly developed skills. They are not satisfied with staying in one creative place and have larger ambitions. I relate to their struggle to channel their technical abilities into something more significant by creating sculpture. What’s holding many of them back, however, is a lack of artistic maturity. Few of them went to art school, and they are often simply unaware of what is considered important work by the larger world of collectors, galleries, and museum curators.
What I’ve been promoting with these Glass Line articles is excellence, but the notion of “excellence” is defined by the community you belong to. You can be an excellent goblet-maker, an excellent paperweight-maker, an excellent beadmaker, and on and on. To be excellent in these tightly defined categories, you need to recognize what is masterwork and be familiar with the skilled artists and craftspeople advancing the tradition with whom you want to strive to compete. You then can take advantage of the respect you’ve achieved in these decorative-arts categories to catapult yourself into the greater glass community. By competing with the past and matching the category’s history, you’ll be at the front of your field.

If you are a subscriber to the magazine, you can read the article online - click HERE.
25 May 2010
Washington, DC's Newest Art Gallery Opens
photos by Painterly Visions /Anne Marchand
Gallery 555 opened with a flourish this past weekend, with a fantastic exhibition of paintings by Michelle Cormier. Also on exhibit are some great glass pieces by Erwin Timmers, wood pieces by Bruce Fransen, and encaustic works by Ellyn Weiss, amongst other works.
Gallery 555 is located in the lobby of 555 12th Street, NW, Washington, DC
24 May 2010
Upcoming Class in the "Lost Wax" Process
This is a great way to make 3-D elements in kilncast glass. Think of the sculptural possibilities!
Glass guru Tim Tate uses this technique to make sculptural glass elements that are part of his blown & cast glass reliquary artworks. The detail and control of of the form allows for the creation incredible works of art.
Our instructor for this class, Debra Ruzinsky, was on the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) faculty as Asst Professor of Glass, and has just come back from teaching this technique at the Studio at the Corning Museum of Glass.
Class 1021 - Basics of Lost Wax Casting
In this 3 day class we will make a sculptural vessel form in the "lost wax" method. Students will begin with a pre-made wax form that they learn to carve and alter. Students are asked to research surface design ideas prior to starting, bringing sketches, magazine clippings, xerox's, etc.

Example of student lost wax work.
21 May 2010
Habatat Michigan Gallery Awards DC Artist
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Petrovic & Tate Talk!
20 May 2010
Tim Tate Slave Dance
One group submitting a film, the Resilient Young Asian Network, had a film titled "YourSpace" - and had a very funny use of the character "Tim Tate".
In one scene's background, an unnamed slave dancer dressed in black performs for the film's Tim Tate character. He became an instant favorite - and his dance moves have been repeated at various art openings.
Click Here to see the full 5 minute movie "YourSpace" by the Resilient Young Asian Network.
Click Here to find more about the 48 Hour Film Festival.
click on image below to jump to film segment
19 May 2010
Young Guns: Glass Blowers

Located in Newark, NJ, GlassRoots was founded in January 2001 with the belief that communities can be transformed and elevated through the arts. Its mission statement is to "provide multiple opportunities for at-risk youth, ages 10-18, to realize their potential through the creation of glass art. As the only non-profit “hot shop” for young people in the greater New York metropolitan area, GlassRoots provides a nurturing environment in which otherwise underserved children can achieve self-esteem and creative expression while also learning basic business skills and valuable life lessons through the exploration of the unique art forms of glass making."
When Michael was 13, his family moved to the DC area, and he sought out the glass blowing facilities at DC GlassWorks, where he impressed the owner Dave D'Orio with his skill and focus.
DC GlassWorks just had an Open House, where the young Michael worked with an even younger glassblower - a 12 year old named Logan - shown here working on his first piece. One can't be but impressed with the enthusiasm, intensity of focus and skill of these young'uns ( babies actually!).
Click here to jump to Michael's website.
Click here to jump to youtube video of Michael in action - doing a reticello bowl no less!
18 May 2010
Artomatic Seeks Artwork for Parade Float

Sign up by May 28th to submit an entry!
** Enter any 8×11″ size art submission to be added to Artomatic’s parade float. The WPArade is scheduled to take place June 5, 2010 at the Capitol Riverfront - near the Washington Nationals Baseball park on Half Street.
Click HERE for more info on the Artomatic float.
For more information - and to mix & mingle with fellow DC area artists - come visit Artomatic at Bistro Bistro for Happy Hour this Wednesday in Dupont Circle ...
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
5pm - 7pm
Bistro Bistro
1727 Connecticut Ave, NW
17 May 2010
Gallery 555 Inaugural Show

"Gallery 555 is committed to supporting Washington DC area artists who create original works of art. Creativity achieved through a complexity of thought and design is appreciated and honored." says Jodi Walsh, Gallery 555 owner.
Champagne Opening of Gallery 555
Sunday, May 23, 2010
1-5 pm
Gallery 555 is located in the lobby of 555 12th Street, NW, Washington, DC
Click HERE for map.
Metro: Red, Blue and Orange lines at Metro Center Stop. Take 12th St exit, at top of escalator make a U-turn to 12th & F St.
Photos from WGS 9th Anniversary Open House
The open house was lots of fun - the artists showcased their work, torchwork demos were held, with a collaborative artwork piece was made by the lampworkers during the day.
Mayor Miles opens the parade - complete with marching bands, clowns, and politicians - (which is which?)
A view of one of the studios during open house.
Tim Tate chats up visitors to the school.
Alison Sigethy exhibits her eco-art.
David and JoAnn Pearcy set up glass jewelry. Valerie Hassett and friend viewing Kirk Waldroff's cast glass prints.
Robert Kincheloe demos on the torch.
Jessica Beels discusses her sculpture.
The party gets into full swing- put yer hands in the air - woop! woop!
The next Washington Glass School Open House is in December - mark your calendars now!
13 May 2010
CMOG New Glass Review 31

This year is the 31st annual review, and the jurors were Jon Clark, Professor, Tyler School of Art, Rosa Barovier Mentasti, independent art historian, curator, and critic, Zesty Meyers, artist and owner R 20th Century, and Tina Oldknow, the Corning Museum's Curator of Modern Glass. The jurors selected 100 works from 888 international artists that sent over 2,500 images of work for the competition.
The Washington DC area is represented by some familiar names - the Washington Glass School's Michael Janis; Washington Glass School alumni Jeff Zimmer, and Weisser Glass Studio's Nancy Weisser.
The book of work is published in Germany and the copies have just arrived stateside. Congrats to the artists!

1/1000th the Space Between Me and You (In a Deadrise)
layers of enamelled & sandlasted glass in glass lightbox
545 x 225 x 210 mm/21" x 8.75 " x 8.25"

Broken Memories
assembled kilnformed glass
305cm x 762cm
Glass Signage Marks The Way
What Can You Do With A Broken Bottle?

Ok - we can all agree that there is some perverse enjoyment in the sound of breaking glass.
ReadyMade Magazine is sponsoring an event called Glassphemy in NY that exploits this cathartic process and ties in recycling as well.
Part game, part art installation, part mobile recycling center, Glassphemy! is a 20-by-30-foot steel structure lined with bulletproof glass. A person standing on one side can throw bottles at a friend or enemy who is standing in safety behind the clear wall on the other side. Satisfying crashes and bright lights ensue upon impact. Glassphemy! is about relieving psychological tension, having fun, and getting your recycling done all at the same time.
ReadyMade also is running a competition on what to do with the broken glass.
The glass can be in shard form, or it can be ground up further, melted, mixed with other materials–transformed in any way you can think of. Your design must incorporate broken glass, but it can include any other materials you like. You don’t need to make the thing you’re designing (though you can!). But you do need to provide a general description of how to make it: what the materials are and how it would come together.
You may submit your design in any form you like: Drawings on the back of a cocktail napkin, a 300-word essay, SketchUp files, a video of yourself describing it in words and hand gestures. Whatever best gets your idea across!
Send your design to info@readymademag.com, or mail it to:
ReadyMade Magazine, attn: Glassphemy! Contest, 125 Park Avenue, 18th Floor, New York NY 10017
The contest starts on May 12.The entry deadline is Friday, June 4.
Click HERE to read more about Glassphemy!
11 May 2010
9th Anniversary Open House
Artists exhibiting include: Michael Janis, Tim Tate, Erwin Timmers, Syl Mathis, Robert Kincheloe, Jessica Beels, Nancy Donnelly, Sean Hennessey, Rania Hassan, Jennifer Lindstrom, David Pearcy, Anne Plant, Cheryl Derricotte, David Cook, Allegra Marquart, Chris Shea, Nancy Krondstat, Kirk Waldroff, Alison Sigethey, and more! Torchwork demonstrations, discounts on class registrations, music, food & fun!
The surrounding artist studios (Red Dirt Studio with Margaret Boozer, JJ McCracken; Flux Studios with Novie Trump, Laurel Lukaszewski; Sinel, Stewart, Weiss Studio; Bob Devers Studio; Nan Montgomery) will be participating in the huge event, along with the Gateway Arts District’s Mount Rainier Day events along Rhode Island Avenue.
Washington Glass School
9th Anniversary / Open Studio / Sale
3700 Otis Street, Mount Rainier, MD 20712
Noon til 6 pm, Saturday, May 15, 2010
Free and open to the public
Q: How Can I Get My Art Into the Hirshhorn? A: Via UPS

photo:Kriston Capps / DCist
Said Lenny: "A few years ago a former Hirshhorn Museum curator told me that the "Hirshhorn does not collect glass." Replace the word glass with any other art medium and you see how nearsighted that statement was."
Last night a novel way to get glass sculpture into the museum happened:
A UPS delivery truck crashed into the side of the Hirshhorn Museum.
The truck was heading eastbound on Independence Avenue just before 9 p.m. when it swerved into oncoming traffic. The truck jumped the curb, hit a light pole and a concrete flower pot barricade before slamming into the glass exterior wall of the museum's lobby. The truck came about a foot into the circular-shaped building and shattered a large glass window. No art was damaged. The driver suffered injuries such as bruises, cuts, and scrapes.
For more about the truck crash - click HERE.
Update on the real story @ the Hirshhorn - click HERE
10 May 2010
Nancy Donnelly Takes on the Post

To jump to read the original Post review - click HERE.
Nancy responds in the Washington Post:
"So what is worth doing? Is there room for delight in the vocabulary of art? Perhaps. Sometimes perception is actually bigger than the current vocabulary of criticism. Not everybody wants always to be striving for a leg up, or to express anger or despair. Other sides of human experience are also valid, and a great relief."
Read her full response in the Post - click HERE.